
-libérame de esta jaula y déjame volar de una maldita vez-

martes, 3 de mayo de 2011


Creo seriamente que la ausencia de autoestima se debe a la soledad; es un gran círculo vicioso. Cuanto mas solo te sientes, menos quieres saber de los demas. ¿Qué tal si lo mejor está por venir? Pero eso nunca pasará es mucho pedir...


What did you dream of? What kind of thoughts nestle deep within your mind? Did my choice affect you that much? I’ll leave no room for hope ,It doesn’t belong here. Not with this situation, in return, I hope it stings. I hope it stirs things that are buried deep within you. I do....

domingo, 1 de mayo de 2011

Its fascinating how bitter people get after a relationship.
Going from "I love you" to not even speaking at all.
What is that? Its BS.
Ive tried to be cool about it and at least text her,
But she's cold & only texts me back half the time,
And she's the one that ended the relationship!
And she even wanted to be friends...yea we aren't even anything anymore.
I really dont understand females,
And I probably never will.
I dont even know how I feel anymore.
I don't even know what I'd do if she'd talk to me.
I take ten steps forward and five steps back,
Trying to just move on.
It feels like a freakin car accident. It happened so fast and assessing the damage is just like
..woah how did all this happen.
I did what I thought was a good thing, honestly.
Kinda wonder how she feels. Does she even give a small damn?
Screw it. I really just need to forget this all.